E Source is thrilled to announce the results of the E Source 2021 Business Customer Satisfaction Study. The company surveyed small and midsize business (SMB) customers to discover the utility attributes they value most as well as where their utility ranks on those attributes. The survey uses a 10-point scale, where 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest. Among seven attributes, SMB customers selected four as most important for a utility to possess:

  • Energy reliability
  • Trustworthiness
  • Keeping energy prices down
  • Effective emergency communications

E Source Market Research conducts the annual Business Customer Satisfaction Study to provide utilities and account representatives with direct feedback from customers. The survey produces an understanding of the overall satisfaction levels and identifies where improvement is essential. Over 2,000 SMB customers participated in the seventh edition of the study, which revealed the top-ranked utilities in 2021.

Of the participating utilities, Pennyrile Electric earned the top spot by receiving a score of 9.00 out of 10 for overall customer satisfaction and perceived value. Pennyrile Electric also scored highest for providing reliable energy, trustworthiness, and effective communication during energy emergencies. In addition, the utility’s account reps earned the highest scores for all attributes in the study.

“This was a first attempt to gauge member satisfaction among our commercial and industrial accounts, so we appreciate E Source assisting us with the process,” says Brent Gilkey, vice president of member services and communications at Pennyrile Electric. “We also appreciate the recognition given by E Source and look forward to using the information to make us better, as a cooperative.”

Clark Public Utilities earned second place in the SMB study with a total score of 8.89 out of 10 for overall satisfaction and perceived value. The utility scored high for providing reliable energy and being easy to do business with.

“Our key accounts team strives to provide our business and industry customers with outstanding service, support, and reliable energy,” says Debbie DePetris, energy services manager at Clark Public Utilities. “It’s both gratifying and humbling to know they hold us in such high regard. We look forward to using this year’s survey results to deepen our relationships with and improve our services to this vital segment of our community.”

In third place, FPL scored high in providing reliable energy and trustworthiness. SMB customers gave the utility an overall satisfaction and perceived value score of 7.92 out of 10.

“Serving small and midsize businesses can be a challenge given their sheer number, unique organizational structures, and varying approaches to conducting business,” says Daniel Doutre, senior analyst, E Source Market Research. “We’d like to congratulate the top utilities in the small and midsize business study for being customer focused and implementing best practices to better serve these businesses.”

Members of the E Source Account Management Service will be able to access the complete study results, which will be available soon. Utility participants that aren’t members of this service may purchase aggregate results separately. Contact E Source to learn more.

About E Source

E Source is a leading partner to more than 500 electric, gas, and water utilities and municipalities, and their partners, across the US and Canada. We provide data science, market research, benchmarking, and consulting services. Our 35 years of technology validation, market assessment, program design, and customer experience expertise help clients make informed, data-driven decisions; plan for tomorrow’s infrastructure needs; strengthen customer relationships; and meet critical business objectives while becoming more innovative and responsive in the rapidly evolving market.

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Director, Marketing

Sannie Sieper is responsible for leading the marketing, event, and member communications for E Source. She is passionate about marketing...