In a year, the average water utility loses millions of gallons of water due to leaky pipes and inaccurate meters. Neither the utility nor the environment can afford this kind of loss.
The solution to both water scarcity and tight budgets is water loss control. Through analytics, education, and field services, E Source helps utilities manage water loss by uncovering where they’re losing it. After all, you can’t fix a system if you don’t know what’s broken.
How we help
We partner with water agencies to reduce water losses and optimize revenue. Our services include the following.
Strategy and analytics
Water loss control program design to guide cost-effective loss recovery
Learn moreWater audit validation
We are certified to conduct Level 1 validations in California and Georgia. Validation is completed in three steps.
Get startedCustom consulting projects
Custom projects to help utility leaders implement executable solutions that lead to measurable results
Contact usResources to get you started
We do water loss control research. In working on publications and resources, we aim to advance water loss control and its adoption throughout the US. Check out a selection of our work.
Water loss analysis
Designing water loss control programs to guide cost-effective loss recovery
AWWA water audit compilation and validation
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) water audit is our bread and butter, and we wrote the book on water audit validation. We can work with you to compile a water audit and then validate the data and results. This ensures that your audit insights are accurate. Our validation meets the regulatory standards in California, Georgia, and Hawaii.
Loss component analysis
A component analysis breaks down your volume of water loss into meaningful categories that help you make smart decisions about how to recover it. This is the next step after a water audit, and we know it through and through because we built the industry-standard tool for the job.
Economic-level-of-leakage analysis
Water loss is expensive, but water loss control also costs money. We can help you find a cost-effective balance—the economic level of leakage—that minimizes your total costs. Then we can support you as you implement water loss interventions with an eye toward your bottom line.
Customer meter-test analysis
Testing customer meters can serve a variety of purposes—maintaining revenue, reducing risk, planning meter replacement, and even justifying metering technology upgrades. As a result, it’s important to match your meter-testing program to the insight you seek. We can help you design a small and large customer meter-testing program that shines a light on performance and supports you meter management goals.
Regional program development
Water loss control is a vital element of infrastructure maintenance and supply stewardship programs. Because regional utilities might all benefit from water loss control efforts, the job is often easier when an entire region takes it on. We’re pioneers when it comes to regional water loss control efforts. Our regional programs focus on shared services, learning opportunities, and cooperative research. And we try to identify external funding for regional programs.
Field services
Dealing with leakage from the ground up while keeping an eye on critical instruments
Leak detection
We’ve surveyed thousands of miles of mains in dozens of systems using state-of-the-art acoustic leak-detection equipment. Our expert team finds hidden leaks so you can deliver water to customers instead of losing it to leakage. We’ll also help you estimate savings and understand your leak-detection results using your water audit and infrastructure characteristics.
District metered areas
We can set up discrete, metered zones in your system so you know where your infrastructure is leaking, how much you’re losing, and if the losses are worsening. With zonal monitoring, you can deploy leak-detection crews right away and to the right place when new leaks start.
Pressure management
Excessive pressures cause more main breaks, more leakage, and more-frequent pipe replacement. Fortunately, we can help you balance service and infrastructure pressure needs. We start by surveying pressures in the field to collect real data on the state of your pressures, particularly when it comes to pressure transients. We can then identify regulating infrastructure that isn’t working as intended, areas that are overpressurized, and your average system pressure for use in the water audit.
Source meter testing
Source meters are essential assets when it comes to understanding distribution system efficiency, so their accuracy is critical. To study source meter accuracy, we can design and conduct a volumetric meter test with you that accommodates your operational and infrastructure constraints. We always aim to produce a replicable test procedure so that future testing is easy.
Examples of our work
E Source partners with utilities throughout the country to manage and reduce water losses. See how we’ve helped clients achieve their goals.
Implementing a statewide water loss technical assistance program to support California Senate Bill 555
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Designing a water loss control analysis and program for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
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Executing a regional water loss control program for the Municipal Water District of Orange County
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