To meet aggressive electrification planning goals, utilities should start planning their fleet electrification programs now. Utilities will want to learn about their fleet customers’ needs and get insights from other utility programs. To help utilities with this process, E Source conducted market research on nonresidential fleet vehicle electrification from the customer’s and the utility’s perspectives.

The customer perspective: Commercial EV Fleet Survey

To get a better understanding of actionable strategies utilities and state agencies can adopt to support nonresidential customers and their fleet needs, we collected feedback from commercial fleet managers in 2022. We explored these topics:

  • Fleet characteristics and purchasing behavior
  • Motivations and barriers to fleet electrification
  • Feedback on programs and incentives

The utility perspective: Fleet Electrification Utility Survey

We’re collecting feedback from those who oversee fleet electrification activities at their utility, such as fleet advisory program managers and internal utility fleet managers. We want to identify strategies to get started with and get buy-in for electrification initiatives. We covered these topics:

  • Nonresidential fleet electrification activities, challenges, and strategies
  • Customer offerings for fleet electrification
  • Customer experience around fleet electrification
  • Budgets, priorities, and plans for the coming years

What you get

All participants in the voice-of-the-utility survey will have access to executive summary–level results. We’ll publish other reports and webinars to share more results and insights, and members of the E Source Distributed Energy Resource Strategy and Mobility Services can access all of them. If your utility doesn’t subscribe to either of these services but you’re interested in receiving the full set of deliverables, please contact us.


Voice-of-the-customer survey and interviews

In September 2022, E Source conducted a short online survey of 50 fleet operators, fleet managers, and companies that have small and midsize fleets in the US. We conducted in-depth follow-up interviews with three respondents.

Voice-of-the-utility survey and interviews

In 2023, we’ll be conducting a 10-minute online survey of US and Canadian utilities to identify strategies for getting started with and getting buy-in for nonresidential fleet electrification initiatives. We may conduct in-depth interviews with select respondents.