NOTE: This event has already taken place. See below for recording and event description.

Download the slides | Fostering energy affordability and equity in the utility space (PDF)

Energy affordability and equity have long been challenges for utilities. Millions of low-income households in the US face a high energy burden, with some paying more than 20% of their income to utilities. And despite these customers’ clear need for assistance, utility programs designed to help them lower their energy use and costs are chronically undersubscribed. At the same time, the negative effects of our energy system—including power shutoffs and cost burdens—and the positive benefits of weatherization, retrofits, and renewable energy aren’t evenly distributed among utility customers and communities. This mirrors broader racial and class disparities in housing, education, and economic development.

Energy affordability and equity are core to our mission at E Source, so we take these issues seriously. We already work with hundreds of utilities and other stakeholders to explore and address affordability and equity through the E Source Low Income Energy Issues Forum and the E Source Equity in the Clean Energy Economy collaborative. But we’re excited to launch a dedicated affordability and equity practice area, bringing together all of our business units and expertise to help utilities navigate these complex challenges and better serve their income-qualified and other vulnerable and underserved customers and communities.

We’ll discuss:

  • Energy affordability and equity challenges in the utility sector
  • E Source resources that can help you begin to address affordability and equity
  • How you can go deeper through the E Source Affordability and Equity Practice


Ben Nathan, Director, Affordability and Equity, E Source

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