For more than 30 years, our customers have guided our research efforts. Now it’s even easier to make your voice heard. Have you noticed the bright, new feature at the end of our reports, event recordings, and Ask E Source answers? We’ve added a brief survey. It’s a simple way for you to rate the value of our content and help us improve.

Look for this survey and share your feedback.
Example image of the new member feedback survey at the end of E Source reports and event recordings.

We’ve answered countless member questions and published numerous reports about how utilities can improve the way they gather and act upon voice-of-the-customer feedback. So we’re practicing what we preach. By completing the short survey, you’re helping to help guide our research and improve the quality of our content.

After sharing your overall satisfaction rating, you’ll see two optional questions that allow you to tell us a little more in your own words. We want to know what you liked, what you didn’t like, and how we could improve.

So if a report you read, an event you attended, or an answer you received helped you advance a project you’re working on, solve a problem, or increase your knowledge, let us know and we’ll keep on doing what we’re doing. If we fell short of your expectations or didn’t meet your needs, let us know and we’ll try to do better next time.

Our goal is to be a trusted, valuable, essential resource for you and your utility. We want to be the organization you turn to when you have a problem that needs to be solved, are planning your next project, or crafting your next business case. We mean it when we say that we appreciate your feedback.

Contributing Authors

Director, Customer Insights

John McCracken oversees analysis and reporting for E Source customer data. He studies how our customers use our work and uses those findings...