Understanding your customers is an important aspect of showing empathy and offering appropriate programs and services. To help you engage with your customers and better serve them, we conducted the E Source Residential Products, Programs, and Services survey in the summer of 2022. The survey gathered critical customer insights from US respondents about their interest and participation in utility programs and services and their adoption of energy-related products.

Topics we covered include:

  • Overall perceptions of utility, reliability, communications, and offerings
  • Interest in billing options such as time-of-use rates, demand charges, and block rates
  • Interest in and adoption of smart technologies, battery storage, solar, and EVs
  • Interest and participation in utility programs such as community solar, demand response, home audits, weatherization, and rebates

What you get

If you’re an E Source member, you’ll get access to reports and webinars featuring data from the Residential Products, Programs, and Services study. Your access is determined by the services your utility subscribes to. If you’re interested in receiving a specific report but your utility doesn’t subscribe to the E Source service that hosts that content, please contact us. You can purchase a stand-alone subscription to the E Source Market Research Service to access our insights.


We asked residential customers of electric and dual-fuel utilities across the US for their thoughts on billing and payment programs, energy-related technologies, and energy programs. We included questions on battery storage, solar, and revenue-generating programs.

We fielded the survey online from June to July 2022 with 4,854 residential electric and dual-fuel utility customers who were fully or partially responsible for paying a utility bill. We recruited participants using a purchased sample of US residential households from Dynata, a global online market research firm.

We set quotas for gender, age, income, and geographic location. We applied a postfieldwork weighting schemeusing geographic data to make sure responses were representative of the US population. In general, a sample size of 5,000 completed surveys yields a margin of error of about ±2% at the 95% confidence level. When looking at a subgroup of responses, the margin of error increases.

Study results

If you’re a subscriber, these links will take you to the study deliverables. If you’re not currently a subscriber, contact us for information on how to become an E Source member.